Why Are Some Degrees Art and Some Are Science

If yous read my article virtually what materials scientific discipline and applied science is, I'd similar to retrieve it should be obvious why materials scientific discipline is such an enticing field of study. I've convinced three of my closest friends to switch to a materials science major–they each did information technology for different reasons, and they are all nonetheless happy with their choice!

You lot should written report materials science if you are curiosity-driven, enjoy learning radically new things, balance logical and creative thinking, want to perform undergraduate research, and want to command a loftier salary. However, materials science is not for everyone, and so in this article, I hope y'all will discover all the information you need to decide if materials science is right for you.

Here are 13 reasons to study materials scientific discipline:

i. You Are Interested in Many Scientific Subjects

Materials scientific discipline is undoubtedly the most interdisciplinary scientific field. Everything is made of materials, so every discipline needs to relate dorsum to materials. People often think that materials science is a fusion of chemistry and physics–and if you like both these subjects, you lot will dear materials scientific discipline–but this description is yet too shallow.

Studying materials science will give yous a taste of many subjects. Students tin take statics classes with mechanical engineers, quantum mechanics with physicists, inorganic chemistry (or even organic chemistry if yous hate yourself) with chemists, semiconductors with electrical engineers, mechanical properties with civil engineers, computation with computer scientists, and biomaterials with biomedical engineers. Don't worry, you won't need to take all of these classes, but you certainly can!

Because the field is so interdisciplinary, you'll never know what you can work on! My undergraduate enquiry advisor liked to clarify historical artwork and some of my colleagues have worked on hair, chocolate, fatty-free ice cream, and more than.

Materials scientists are encouraged to keep upwardly with topics outside of their main enquiry because you never know when you can apply a ceramics solution to a metallurgical problem.

two. You Always Want to Know "Why"

Materials science is inherently interesting because it can answer "why" for virtually things that happen in daily life.

Why exercise we boil so many foods?
Because water ever boils at the same temperature so cooking by boiling water is easy to reproduce.

Why does water ever eddy at the same temperature?
Because thermodynamics dictates that water volition alter from a liquid to a gas at 100 °C and 1 atm.

And why practice the thermodynamics predict that?
Because all atoms have an attractive force between other atoms, the pressure pushes atoms autonomously, and high temperatures cause atoms to vibrate abroad from each other. If the water is heated past 100 °C, the vibrational free energy overcomes the attractive forcefulness and the atoms.

Why does that happen?

Materials scientific discipline is all about discovering the deeper reasons for why things happen. For thousands of years, blacksmiths have known that quenching steel makes information technology harder, but only relatively recently has materials science been able to pinpoint the reasons.

I of my favorite things about materials science is that I tin can explain concepts to anyone, and considering these concepts both simple and applicable to the existent world, my explanations are interesting.

iii. You Want to Larn New Things–All the Time

I was first fatigued into materials science because it was like naught I had ever learned before. I recollect looking through my AP chemical science textbook at 1 of the chapters we skipped and finding a solid-solid phase diagram.

"Expect!" I told my teacher. "Materials science! But . . . in that location's only one question almost it."

When I first began studying materials scientific discipline, then many of my primal chemistry questions were answered–in really unproblematic ways. Why does NaCl (tabular array common salt) have the shape it does? It'south considering of geometry! Why are metals so dissimilar from not-metals? Because metallic bonding is uniquely not-directional.

It may seem overwhelming to talk about things you've never heard of, like crystals, grains, defects, and phase transformations, but that's only because well-nigh people have never even heard of these things. Nigh of this could be taught in unproblematic school, right after children learn what atoms are.

When you lot offset offset learning materials scientific discipline, you will find and then much like shooting fish in a barrel-to-learn information that you've only never heard of. Learning and then much, and then quickly, can be addicting.

Even once you've learned the like shooting fish in a barrel fundamentals of the field, you won't cease learning. Materials science is so broad that y'all can dive into any sub-subject field and learn its basics. One of my professors–who studied metallurgy as a student but researches ceramics at present–took a few days to written report water and hydrogen bonding. He was convinced that "water expands when it freezes because hydrogen bonding is cleaved and the ice crystallizes" was a conspiracy theory, and nobody knew the bodily reason.

Materials scientists–equally a personality trait–tend to exist very curious most many things. The field is not advertised well, then by and large curious, self-driven students inquire the right questions and observe materials scientific discipline on their own.

Equally a result, talking with any professor (or other students) tin can teach yous something even unrelated to STEM. I've talked to materials science professors about poetry, fine art, music, history, and linguistics. One student–who was initially rejected from the graduate program at my undergraduate university–was afterward accepted because a professor found out he spoke several languages fluently. That professor reasoned that learning languages proved a certain dedication and curiosity that would permit him to succeed in the materials department.

You can even wait at the quiz bowl (a trivia sport about wide noesis) and chess clubs at that university–at 1 signal, about everyone involved was a materials scientist. The students in that department naturally had a college lust for learning than most students at the schoolhouse. If you want to larn something new every day–regardless of the topic, you volition fit right into the department of materials science and engineering.

You lot also have to learn new things all the time because the field is developing and so quickly.

4. You Want to Exist at the Cutting Edge of Inquiry

Materials scientific discipline and engineering is an incredibly fast-developing field. The number of universities in my land offering an undergraduate degree in materials scientific discipline tripled in the iv years betwixt when I applied to undergrad and when I applied to graduate schoolhouse.

The research is too progressing at breakneck pace. 1 professor who has taught a class on energy materials for the last x years says that when he started teaching the class, he would not have thought solar ability would supplant fossil fuels. Now, he believes the transition will come up speedily.

There are three primary reasons why materials scientific discipline progresses so rapidly:

  1. The field is new, and then nosotros are some of the pioneers of the field. Naturally, there is a lot to discover in places where no 1 has always looked.
  2. Materials science is the "bottleneck" of STEM. Many other disciplines have hitting roadblocks that require materials solutions, so more and more researchers do materials-related research fifty-fifty though they don't have a degree in materials scientific discipline.
  3. Materials science has a lot of grant money right now, which funds heady research.

I'll talk about each of these points in greater depth elsewhere in this article, but for now I want to requite a few real-globe examples of how quickly the field is developing.

Accept you noticed LED-alternatives to incandescent lighting? The blue LED light was recently invented, which finally allowed us to create white LED lights. Take a look at this graph which shows the recent explosion in luminous efficacy for white LED lights [ane].

If you travel often, you may have flown aboard a Boeing dreamliner. This plane's first commercial flight happened in 2011–and it'due south special considering of materials engineering! The airplane uses composite materials instead of metal, which results in a dramatic subtract in weight. CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composites business relationship for eighty% of the plane'due south book and l% of its weight. The dreamliner uses 25% less fuel per passenger compared with aircraft of a similar size [2].

Every few years, I curiosity at how much computational power has increased. Moore'due south law (which says the number of transistors per chip volition double every ii years) sums this upward [3]. To be fair, materials science isn't the only field helping this continues to happen, only since figurer chips are made of materials, we can definitely take some of the credit.

Stronger than steel and harder than diamond? Graphene is a supermaterial that yous may have heard about in pop scientific discipline videos or articles. Graphene is a unmarried layer of graphite, first observed by transmission electron microscopy. Efforts to make thin films of graphite past mechanical exfoliation started in 1990, but it wasn't until 2010 that Geim and Novoselov won the Nobel prize for synthesizing it. This is still a material that isn't radically irresolute technologies all the same, but it is the earth's strongest material and best estrus conductor. It may revolutionize heat sinks, batteries, and much more than. Graphene is also incorporated in Huawei'due south latest smartphones.

3D printing–or condiment manufacturing–had its origins in the 1980s. The beginning commercial 3D printer was bachelor in 2009, and in 2013 it captured the media's attention. I'k sure I don't demand to tell you all the cool things 3D printing tin permit usa to do, so instead I'll show how quickly 3D printing caught the public's attending.

v. You Desire Flexible Job Prospects

Everyone needs materials scientists. Aerospace, petroleum, architecture, semiconductor, and automotive industries plain need materials scientists, but they aren't the merely ones. Because materials scientists are trained to acquire new information quickly, many companies are willing to rent materials scientists from other backgrounds because they can quickly learn the new manufacture.

Fifty-fifty within traditional materials scientific discipline fields like pure metallurgy, ceramics, or polymers, there is a high demand for materials scientists. I realized the extent of this when I attended a materials science campsite sponsored in part by Pepsi.

Why would Pepsi need materials scientists? Pepsi sells billions of cans each yr. Sure, they buy those cans from another company, but as materials science improves, the price of those cans decreases. Pepsi also has machines to mix their products together and buildings that house those machines. Materials science tin can provide cheaper lighting and improved insulation for the buildings, and cheaper, longer-lasting equipment. Regardless of what Pepsi produces in-house and what they buy from other companies, improvements in materials science helps the company.

There is non a unmarried industry that is untouched by materials science, so if you lot desire a caste valued by Pepsi, Boeing, Tesla, Intel, Nestle, Exxon Mobil, or Apple, materials science is the major for you lot.

What else tin materials scientists do? They can work on . . .

  • superalloys or thermal barrier coatings for very high temperature
  • materials for cryogenic applications
  • lightweight materials for shipping and infinite industry
  • materials that will potentially supplant some parts of the human torso similar teeth or some parts of bones
  • functional materials exhibiting magnetocaloric, magnetostrictive, piezoelectric, or other furnishings
  • combining some groups of materials in club to obtain composites with unique properties
  • nanomaterials
  • shape memory alloys or polymers
  • nature-inspired materials. For example, superhydrophobic surfaces were inspired by the surface of a lotus bloom
  • food
  • and much more!

If you're non certain what industry yous'd similar to work in, majoring in materials science volition allow you to remain flexible.

6. Yous Want a Loftier Salary

Okay, I know you aren't so shallow as to choose a major based only on salary, only the fact remains: many people only find out about materials science and engineering considering they found it on some clickbait site nigh the highest paying majors in 20XX year.

When I googled this just now, aside from materials scientific discipline, I plant:

  • Metallurgical engineering
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Mining and mineral technology
  • Industrial engineering
  • Petroleum engineering science

All of these may exist offered as a degree in various universities, just they tin can also fall under the umbrella of materials scientific discipline. Sure, someone with a petroleum engineering degree may have an easier time getting a job in the petroleum industry than someone with a materials science degree and no petroleum-specialization classes, simply materials scientists can get these jobs. On the other hand, the success of the oil industry can be volatile, and a materials engineer will take a much easier time finding jobs elsewhere when compared to a petroleum engineer.

And then materials scientists can authorize for tons of jobs that don't say "materials engineer" in the task title–but what about the jobs that do specifically telephone call for materials engineers or materials scientists?

Rather than rely on salaries I accept heard from others (starting salary rumors: almost $60K with bachelors, $80K with masters, and $110K PhD), I volition summarize some information from the U.s.a. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. For my readers in the rest of the world, I advise y'all to cheque the statistics of your own state.

Before we dive into this data, however, I want to articulate up one common signal of confusion. I'll present data near "materials scientists" and "materials engineers." I accept an entire article about the difference between these terms, but for most purposes they mean the aforementioned thing. A person with a materials scientific discipline caste can go into either job, merely whether the task title says "engineer" or "scientist" will depend on the type of piece of work you volition be doing. By and large, "scientist" jobs will be research and development, while "engineering" jobs will be annihilation else (failure analysis, quality control, optimization, etc.).

With that out of the way, let'due south take a look at the statistics for materials scientists [4] and materials engineers [5].

If you are better than the lesser ten% of these jobs, you lot will earn more than $50,000 annually. The median salaries are $92K (engineers) and $100K (scientists), and the top x% of earners can make over $150K.

Currently, the semiconductor and computer industries may the highest salaries for materials scientists and engineers, with median salaries of $120K-$130K.

New United mexican states is the tiptop-paying land for materials science and engineering, with median salaries of around $135K and $125K.

vii. Y'all Want "Like shooting fish in a barrel Money"

This is a terrible reason to cull materials science and engineering science, but it is truthful. As you lot just saw, fifty-fifty the lowest salaries for materials science tin can pay quite well. If yous want to slack off and still earn in a higher place average pay while only spending four years for an undergraduate degree, it's hard to find a better major than materials science.

Part of the reason I included this department is because I demand to exist honest: not every materials science job will change the world with innovative research. It happens more than in other fields, just sometimes a company simply needs y'all to inspect the parts and make sure there are no manufacturing issues. Sometimes companies need y'all to perform routine corrosion inspection, sample grooming, quality control, or failure analysis. At that place's zippo wrong with this kind of work–and information technology's vital to industry–but since many materials scientists are creatively oriented, they tend to find such routine work boring. That's why these jobs (which can often be filled by barely-competent materials scientists) may command relatively high salaries. I don't desire to fill materials scientific discipline classrooms with slackers, but I accept to acknowledge that if yous desire a stable, routine, highly-paid job, I tin can recollect of no ameliorate degree to get this job than materials science.

In that location is another reason why materials science is "piece of cake." If you aren't interested in studying a particular topic in great depth, materials science classes tend to pass over difficult topics. The field is so broad that most undergraduate classes don't have time to brand every student an expert in every subject, and so they mostly give you a surface-level understanding of each topic.

Materials science typically has the everyman math requirements of all technology. You'll probably accept one college-level chemistry, physics, and statics course. To be honest, I found that most of my peers with physics backgrounds were better prepared than me for graduate school, because the physics undergraduate classes made them actually learn theoretical math. My materials science classes gave me wide, applied noesis, but in my opinion this is much easier than degrees that teach deep, theoretical noesis.

Most materials science students do specialize in certain topics, and there are always resources to challenge you, only if yous want to get a materials science degree with the minimum endeavor, Calculus 2 volition probably be your hardest class.

From a less greedy (but however kinda greedy) standpoint, materials scientists have great chances of getting grant money.

8. Yous Want Funding

I previously mentioned that many of my graduate student colleagues come from physics backgrounds. The reality is that universities allocate funding based on research that is assisting. Since materials science inquiry is usually application-based, and can often be directly applied to manufacture, universities (and researchers) make tons of money from materials-related patents. Every bit a issue, they tend to classify more than funding to materials departments. Consider that materials departments tend to have fewer students than other departments, and the per-capita funding is normally among the highest of all university departments. Additionally, industry may directly fund specific projects.

If you pursue a Ph.D. in materials scientific discipline, y'all will not need to pay for it. I am effectively paid $xc,000 each year (including the $60,000+ tuition waiver) for my Ph.D. work.

Physics students are especially notorious for switching to graduate school in materials science, considering they realize that they can't detect a task with just a bachelor's degree in physics, and materials science programs take more funding.

Funding is as well important as an undergraduate, because yous may be paid for undergraduate research. In every field, undergraduate enquiry is the #i matter yous tin practice to improve your resume. In materials science, there is enough funding that y'all can often be paid to do it! That is non always possible in other STEM fields, and it is extremely rare outside of Stalk.

9. You Like Combining Logic and Inventiveness

Materials scientists tend to have some recurring personality traits. The nature of our work requires logical application of the scientific method, but information technology also requires intuitive leaps of creativity.

In my very first materials science course, nosotros read a philosophical book and some poems, discussed how to defend the academy in example of a zombie attack, discussed how to stage a military coup in a hypothetical 2-dimensional society, and built tube furnaces from scratch. 1 of our start lectures was about how to remove the imaginary segmentation between STEM and humanities. As someone who was also majoring in English language, I was thrilled. Other students who didn't like both logical rigor and artistic solutions left to pursue other majors.

To see a Earth in a Grain of Sand . . .


SEM micrographs of sand [6]

Some of my exams were extremely open-concluded. My professor would hand usa a paragraph with a hypothetical scenario and a goal–we could nowadays any solution to the problem. One time, we went dorsum in time A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur'due south Court-style, and had to figure out how to build technologies to conquer neighboring countries. Some other time, nosotros needed to start a colony on Mars.

Many enquiry topics in materials science involve interpreting data from microscopes. There are definitely logical procedures that should be followed when collecting the data, but interpreting images often relies on pattern recognition.

As a final thought on the combination of logic and creativity: if you like chess, yous will probably savour materials science. That's not to say all chess players should be materials scientists, or all materials scientist like chess, but in my feel, a fair percentage of materials scientists have a natural knack for the game. The combination of logic and inventiveness that materials scientists hone in their enquiry often gives them a jump-kickoff when learning chess.

10. Yous Desire a Tight-Knit Department

In a way, I promise to destroy this unique benefit of materials science departments. One of the goals of this website is to publicize materials science and engineering science so more people know near the field. Still, currently materials scientific discipline departments are usually among the smallest departments of any higher of engineering. When I entered undergrad, the form that graduated before me had 12 students. My class graduated 24 students. In grad school, I attend the oldest materials science plan in the globe. There are about 40 students in my cohort.

I take also had the contrasting experience of being an English major. I can think of maybe two people that I had more than than ane English class with. My materials classes were offered once per yr, and every pupil was in every class.

Nosotros all got to know each other–and the professors–very well. Every Wednesday before chess club, I'd bring together one of my professors and his son for dinner at the deli. Sometimes, I'd chat with a group of professors eating in that location for luncheon.

Equally a department, we played lots of games together. We won intramural frisbee two years in a row, only we also played another sports, besides every bit card games and board games.

There's not a lot of materials science information online (well, at that place wasn't before I built this website), so you need to rely on your classmates. Nosotros studied together, helped each other on research projects, and went to conferences together. Somehow, we even got permission to make swords!

Professors e'er had an open up-door policy. I could talk to them about career advice, financial communication, and human relationship advice. Sometimes I'd finish by and talk about the latest fantasy book a professor was reading.

Even in grad school, where the department is much bigger and I generally interface with merely one professor, nosotros still have a tight-knit experience. Many materials scientists room together. Our accomplice frequently has game nights or potlucks. The entire section hosts a weekly coffee hour, and fifty-fifty equally grad students, nosotros send a materials scientific discipline squad to every intramural sport.

There are other small departments, and I don't want you to think that materials science departments are the only ones with the qualities I've described. However, the departments practice tend to exist small, and I have only positive things to say almost a (well-funded) small department.

11. You lot Like to Feel Important

Materials scientific discipline is the "clogging" of modernistic STEM. Chemistry, physics, and math take been studied since antiquity. Mechanical engineers have plied their merchandise since the invention of the steam engine. Electrical engineers have existed since the lightbulb.

However, the electron microscope–a tool which proved many of the fundamentals of modernistic materials scientific discipline–scarcely predates the computer. In fact, at that place are then many more computers in the world than electron microscopes, I tin can confidently say that materials science is less developed than computer science.

We figured out the thermodynamics of the steam engine inside 200 years of its invention. Within xx years of Edison's lightbulb, nosotros knew virtually electrons. Computer science predated computers.

In contrast, materials scientists are still arguing about how to reproduce swords from 500 years ago [7]. 10 years agone, some materials scientists won the Nobel prize for sticking some scotch tape to pencil graphite and synthesizing graphene [viii].

While other Stem fields have had decades to develop, materials scientific discipline lags behind. Because of the field'southward recent institutionalization and general anonymity, very little materials science research has been performed. We are now in the golden age of materials science, where groundbreaking discoveries are being made annually.

We know how to make more efficient cars. It's not like mechanical engineers don't know how to increment the efficiency of the engines. Rather, the engines are designed to waste gas because if they didn't, the engines would overheat and the engine block would melt.

Did you know that the SR-71 blackbird–one of the most iconic spyplanes–is non airtight? Information technology travels so fast that it heats up and thermal expansion becomes a serious problem.

The development of smartphones and improved computers is directly tied to materials science. Fundamentally, improving reckoner power means making the parts smaller so you can fit more parts in the same computer. Materials science allows u.s.a. to process the materials better and cheaper. Estimator chips are now so small that researchers need to engineer materials to take breakthrough furnishings into account.

If you await at whatsoever absurd, theoretical things we can make, their development depends on materials science advancements. Colonizing Mars requires more efficient solar panels and batteries. The same is true for electric vehicles. (Incidentally, this is why the only person likewise Elon Musk to work at both Tesla and SpaceX is Charlie Kuehmann, head of materials science). ITER–the nuclear fusion reactor currently being built–was made possible by advances in superconductors. It'southward true that these superconductors were developed 30 years agone, only that development is what fabricated planning ITER possible.

Developing quantum computers is no longer a debate among physicists. It is a question of how to make a material that satisfies the necessary requirements.

Because materials science is the STEM bottleneck, if you detect something new in the field, you probably won't need to wait *that* long to see information technology in action. Odds are that your discovery will be immediately useful to progressing another field which has hit a materials-related roadblock.

12. You Want to Travel Abroad

Materials science offers many opportunities to travel abroad (remember, we have funding). Personally, I'm not much of a traveler, and then I can't say I was very excited when "lots of travel opportunities" was presented to me as a selling indicate for the major.

Yet, I did spend two summers in Japan, loved my time there, and met my wife (who was also interning there)! So it turns out that travel opportunities were particularly of import to me.

I also don't want to say that travel opportunities don't exist in other fields. In Nihon, I met researchers studying abroad from many dissimilar disciplines (in fact, I stayed in a dormitory specifically for foreign researchers). I don't even want to say that there are more travel abroad opportunities than in other majors (although it's probably true).

Tokyo, Japan

I will simply say that there are many funded travel abroad opportunities. Many of my graduate colleagues have spent time studying in a strange country. Ample opportunities were available when I was an undergraduate. My trip to Nippon happened because a scientist there reached out to my research advisor, he asked me if I wanted to go, and I said yes. If I had been actively looking for travel opportunities, I would have institute them even sooner.

The key, once again, is funding. And then many English majors applied for a select few scholarships to travel away. Fifty-fifty if they got the scholarship, it probably would not take paid them a living stipend (like mine did). But researchers are usually willing to "hire" materials scientists for a summertime because they know that the research you perform volition pay for your stay.

If y'all are interested in opportunities to travel away, my wife and I can put together a massive list of these opportunities. In the concurrently, I will advise two wonderful places to written report materials science away. My wife and I met at the National Institute for Materials Scientific discipline (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan.

NIMS in Tsukuba, Japan

My wife also spent a twelvemonth interning at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland.

My wife and I posing in front of a portion of the CERN Big Hadron Collider.
(Yes, that's the shirt we got for winning intramural ultimate frisbee).

thirteen. You Desire Admission to the Coolest Equipment

Yep, everything comes back to funding. I'm not sure if this is true for every university, simply at both universities I have studied at, materials science holds a prestigious position relative to other departments.

If yous entered my undergraduate university during the summer, yous would see that the unabridged engineering building was filled with materials scientists. Many of u.s. landed internships at companies or abroad, but others chose to stay at their abode lab and do undergraduate enquiry. Information technology's just so easy to find interesting topics in materials scientific discipline and a professor who is willing to guide you.

I'm certain in that location were some percentage of mechanical or electrical engineers who besides got internships, but very few stayed at their home labs.

As a issue of the prestige that the materials department carried, we had special privileges. Chiefly amid them: our department "endemic" lots of specialized equipment. Each professor had his or her own equipment that they paid for with their own upkeep, but there was an additional center for really expensive equipment that the entire university could use. That center was housed inside the materials scientific discipline department, and so we had easier access than all other departments.

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

To exist off-white, other centers existed, and our center had equipment that was more central to materials science. But, since materials science is so interdisciplinary, piece of work that is central to our field is also peripheral to other fields, so we oft had students from other departments use "our" state-of-the art equipment.

Past the way, the center had a huge budget since some of the equipment was and so expensive. Patently I can't just run to Amazon and tell you how much an atom probe costs (it'southward definitely several millions of dollars), but I can become a pricetag on the chairs. Allegedly they cost $1500, and I've linked to a similar chair on Amazon so you can run into the electric current price. (It's an affiliate link then I'll get a few pennies if you buy something else today, but please don't buy that overpriced chair).

Hither are a few pieces of equipment that yous may notice in a typical materials science department:

  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is one of the about-used tools for materials scientists. This automobile allows us to encounter objects much smaller than visible light.
  • Ten-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is a motorcar that shoots Ten-rays at a sample and can use the diffraction matters to mensurate atomic spacing.
  • Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs) are even stronger than SEMs, and actually shoot electrons through the sample. With TEM, you tin can fifty-fifty see columns of atoms.
  • Cantlet Probe Tomography (APT) is a technique where you blast away individual atoms and, using a detector, can reconstruct the sample cantlet-for-atom.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article has helped you decide if materials scientific discipline is correct for you! If you practise want to pursue this major, this site will testify a valuable resource. If materials scientific discipline is not for y'all, I wish you luck in your time to come endeavors!

References and Further Reading

If yous aren't certain what materials science, is, check out this article which explains the field!

If y'all are confused nearly the difference between materials scientific discipline and materials engineering science, here is a long-winded article I wrote (which basically says there is no difference).

[one] Siddha Pimputkar, James S. Speck, Steven P. DenBaars and Shuji Nakamura,Prospects for LED lighting

[2] Soo Kim, Is the Dreamliner worth the hype? Here'southward x reasons why information technology might just exist

[3] Moore'southward Law: Transistors per microprocessor, Our Globe in Data

[4] Occupational Employment Statistics for Materials Scientists, US Bureau of Labor Statistics

[five] Occupational Employment Statistics for Materials Engineers, United states of america Bureau of Labor Statistics

[6] Pei-Hsing Huang, Shao-Yu Chien, Ping Wu, Chuen-Shii Chou, Optimal design of high-strength h2o-soluble sand core for investment casting system: Thermodynamic assay and experimental verification

[7] Response to Verhoeven comments on Damascus steel, Materials Characterization

[8] Printing release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010


Source: https://msestudent.com/13-reasons-why-you-should-study-materials-science-and-engineering/

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